Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeling Happy

I'm feeling genuinely happy today. I'm trying everyday to see something that I am thankful for. When I feel down it helps me to not take life for granted if I just enjoy what's good rather than what isn't going right.

My photography is still surreal to me, and I don't want to jynx it but I'm loving every second of it. I work for Denise Mabilog as a second shooter and she's a wonderful mentor for me. Her work is beautiful and she has so much knowledge to share. I appreciate 100% that she has taken me under her wing to show me the ropes. I've been blessed with a good amount of wonderful clients on my own as well and I can't believe the portfolio I have built in the past year.

Anyway, aside from that. I'm completely thrilled for my big brother and his FIANCEE for getting engaged over the weekend. I am so excited to plan a wedding and a shower and all the other exciting things that go along with being in love! I think they're perfect for each other and they're going to build a beautiful life together. I honestly cannot see my brother spending his life with anyone other than Lisa. She is the best thing since sliced bread! And if Lisa loved the internet like my brother and I do, she'd probably be blushing while reading this! Can't wait to have the sister I never had!



Bill said...

Awesome awesome post Sweet Dee. I will make sure Lisa reads this when I get home tonight. By the way, the internet is the best thing since sliced bread. But Lisa is the best thing since the internet. Wrap your head around that senseless, confused, not-so-proper logic!

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