In 2012 I vow to be a better blogger. Yes, I realize that the last post in here is January of 2011 vowing to do the same thing. But this year I mean it! You (yes YOU) are so important to me and my business that I want to be able to connect with you in anyway possible. Even if that means writing when I don't want to write. Everytime I open my blog I groan, that is until I start writing about my amazing clients! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have even thought about a blog. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have been named in the Bride's Choice Awards of wedding wire. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have a job I truly love doing!
Now that I have blubbered over you guys for the past few minutes I am going to post my first session of 2012. After this I will post every single session in every single year to follow. I promise!
Thank you for getting my business off the ground! I couldn't have done it without you!
Amit and Lee are just 2 examples of people I love. This session was a blast and I can't wait to meet baby Arya in a few weeks!
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